Edward Abrahams

Edward Abrahams 博士是個人化醫療聯盟 (Personalized Medicine Coalition) 的總裁,該聯盟是一個位於華盛頓特區的教育與倡導組織。PMC 代表了創新者、科學家、病患、醫療服務提供者和付款者,促進對個人化醫療概念、服務和產品的了解和採用,以造福病患和醫療系統。PMC 已從 2004 年最初的 18 個創始會員發展到目前的 220 多個會員。 在此之前,Abrahams 博士是賓州生物科技協會 (Pennsylvania Biotechnology Association) 的執行董事,他帶頭成功促成賓州聯邦投資 2 億美元,將賓州的生物科技商業化。在此之前,他曾在賓夕法尼亞大學擔任聯邦關係助理副校長,並在布朗大學擔任高級行政職位。 Abrahams 博士曾在美國國會工作七年,包括擔任參議員 Lloyd Bentsen 的立法助理、眾議員 Lee Hamilton 領導的聯合經濟委員會的經濟學家,以及眾議員 Edward J. Markey 的 AAAS 國會研究員。 Abrahams 博士擁有布朗大學 (Brown University) 歷史博士學位,並著有《抒情左派:Randolph Bourne, Alfred Stieglitz and the Origins of Cultural Radicalism in America》一書。他曾在布朗大學和賓夕法尼亞大學教授歷史和公共政策。

Previously, Dr. Abrahams was the Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Biotechnology Association, where he spearheaded the successful effort that led to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s investment of $200 million to commercialize biotechnology in the state. Earlier, he had been Assistant Vice President for Federal Relations at the University of Pennsylvania and held a senior administrative position at Brown University.

Dr. Abrahams worked for seven years for the U.S. Congress, including as a legislative assistant to Senator Lloyd Bentsen, as an economist for the Joint Economic Committee under the chairmanship of Representative Lee Hamilton, and as a AAAS Congressional Fellow for Representative Edward J. Markey.

Dr. Abrahams received his doctorate in history from Brown University, and is the author of The Lyrical Left: Randolph Bourne, Alfred Stieglitz and the Origins of Cultural Radicalism in America. He has taught history and public policy at Brown University and the University of Pennsylvania.