
Dr. James CHIU, 趙承平外科專科醫生是倫敦大學榮譽法律學士,香港大學醫學院名譽臨床助理教授,醫學院和法律學院合辦醫學倫理與法律研究中心之高級研究學者,香港醫學專科學院專業及道德倫理委員會之聯席主席,和囯際法律及道歉研究員網絡特邀會員。其研究範圍包括醫療法律,醫療倫理,專家證人,道歉法例及調解。他曾在香港和國際刊物刊登多篇文章及出版多本中英文書籍。(詳見英文簡介) 。並於一百多個香港及國際醫療/法律會議擔任主持或講者。 is Hon Clinical Assistant Professor at Medical Faculty, University of Hong Kong (HKU), Senior Research Fellow of Centre for Medical Ethics and Law jointly founded by Medical Faculty and Law Faculty, HKU and co-chairman of Professionalism and Ethics Committee of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (HKAM).

Dr. Chiu is an Invited member of the International Network for Law and Apology Researchers. His research areas include medicolegal, expert witnesses, healthcare law, healthcare ethics, apologies, apology legislation, negotiation, mediation, disciplinary and regulatory proceedings. James has published many articles in those areas. He has also co-authored “ ” (LexisNexis, 2023). Dr. Chiu has chaired or spoken in over 100 local and international meetings/conferences for healthcare and legal practitioners.