Edward Abrahams

爱德华-亚伯拉罕(Edward Abrahams)博士是个性化医学联盟(Personalized Medicine Coalition)主席,该联盟是一个教育和宣传机构,总部设在华盛顿特区。该组织代表着创新者、科学家、患者、医疗服务提供者和支付者,旨在促进对个性化医疗概念、服务和产品的理解和采用,以造福患者和医疗系统。它从 2004 年最初的 18 个创始成员发展到今天的 220 多个成员。 此前,亚伯拉罕博士曾担任宾夕法尼亚州生物技术协会的执行董事,在他的领导下,宾夕法尼亚州联邦成功投资 2 亿美元用于该州生物技术的商业化。此前,他曾担任宾夕法尼亚大学负责联邦关系的助理副校长,并在布朗大学担任高级行政职务。 亚伯拉罕博士曾在美国国会工作过七年,包括担任劳埃德-本特森参议员的立法助理、李-汉密尔顿众议员领导的联合经济委员会的经济学家,以及爱德华-马基众议员的 AAAS 国会研究员。 亚伯拉罕博士获得布朗大学历史学博士学位,著有《抒情左派:伦道夫-伯恩、阿尔弗雷德-斯蒂格利茨和美国文化激进主义的起源》一书。他曾在布朗大学和宾夕法尼亚大学教授历史和公共政策。

Previously, Dr. Abrahams was the Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Biotechnology Association, where he spearheaded the successful effort that led to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s investment of $200 million to commercialize biotechnology in the state. Earlier, he had been Assistant Vice President for Federal Relations at the University of Pennsylvania and held a senior administrative position at Brown University.

Dr. Abrahams worked for seven years for the U.S. Congress, including as a legislative assistant to Senator Lloyd Bentsen, as an economist for the Joint Economic Committee under the chairmanship of Representative Lee Hamilton, and as a AAAS Congressional Fellow for Representative Edward J. Markey.

Dr. Abrahams received his doctorate in history from Brown University, and is the author of The Lyrical Left: Randolph Bourne, Alfred Stieglitz and the Origins of Cultural Radicalism in America. He has taught history and public policy at Brown University and the University of Pennsylvania.