LYU Ai Ping 呂愛平


  • 香港浸會大學副校長(研究及拓展)
  • 黃英豪博士中醫藥教授
  • 歐洲科學院外籍院士
  • 香港浸會大學岑堯寬岑碧泉紀念癌症炎症研究中心主任
  • 香港浸會大學整合生物信息醫學與轉化科學研究所所長
  • 主任香港浸會大學疼痛聯合研究中心主任
  • 中國中醫科學院講座教授
  • 2007年國家自然科學基金傑出青年基金獲得者
  • 江西和方科技股份有限公司(國家藥物工程中心)總經理
  • 中醫、臨床藥理學、關節炎及相關新藥研發專家

Professor Lyu Aiping is a world-leading scientist in system medicine and aptamer-based translational medicine and drug discovery.  He is not only working on basic research that demonstrates novel precision medicine-based therapeutic strategies for rheumatic disease treatment, but also on translational research in collaboration with pharmaceutical industry for the development of novel therapeutic agents. He is the director of the first aptamer R&D platform in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area of China, which has attracted aptamer pharmaceutical industries to establish “Aptamer Drug Valley” in the Hong Kong Science Park. He has developed the world’s first ever osteoblast-targeting nucleic acid aptamer. His first discovery of the therapeutic aptamer targeting Sclerostin loop3 has been granted Orphan Drug Designation by US FDA (DRU-2019-6966) for evaluating the therapeutic potential for promoting bone formation in osteogenesis imperfect. He has also developed the first aptamer-Paclitaxel conjugates, which showcased a precision medicine-based personalized Paclitaxel for targeting specific cancer types, which is currently being developed into anti-cancer therapeutics by a pharmaceutical company.

呂教授提出了使用系統生物學方法鑑定代謝物生物標誌物的想法,用於對具有不同臨床表現的 RA 患者進行亞型分類。他的臨床研究還支持了基於雷公藤 Hook F. 的治療 RA 的有效療效,該療法被中國中西醫結合學會推薦為循證臨床實踐指南。此外,呂教授在上海光華中西醫結合醫院建立了中國最大的風濕病生物樣本庫。該生物庫幫助他發現了解決來氟米特對血清 C 反應蛋白升高的 RA 患者亞組骨侵蝕作用有限的分子機制。

呂教授發表論文600餘篇,Google Scholar H索引66,i10-index 370,總引用18000多次。多年來,他的研究活動獲得了 60 多項專利。

Being a renowned expert and academic in the field, Prof Lyu has been appointed as Head & Spokesperson of the China Delegation, International Organization for Standardization Technical Committee on TCM (ISO/TC249) since 2009.  Besides, he also currently serves as Member of Chinese Pharmacopoeia Commission and Vice-Chairman, Terminology of Traditional Chinese Medicine Sub-Committee, China National Committee for Terms in Sciences and Technologies (CNCTST). Also he is the director of Chinese Medicine Standardization Office in State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine (SATCM), and the director of Chinese Medicine Standard Research Center in CACMS. Most recently, he has been elected Foreign Member of the Academia Europaea.
