Chitty Chen

Chitty Chen

Dr. Chitty Chen is the director of Fudan-Centrum Glycomics Translational Medicine Research Center, and the founder and chairman of Sysdiagno Biotech. Dr. Chen studied Biology at Fudan University and completed her PhD in Bioengineering at Ghent University, Belgium. Dr. Chen has been engaged in biomedical research related to liver disease and aging in Europe for a long time. She was a PhD supervisor at Ghent University, and was the head of the Molecular Biomedicine Laboratory at the Flanders Institute of Biotechnology (VIB) in Belgium, where she pioneered the applied research of glycomics.

Dr. Chen was invited by the Chinese Association for Science and Technology to return to China to found Sysdiagno Biotech, and established the first glycomics detection technology platform Glyface®, which initiated the translation of clinical applications of glycomics. The auxiliary diagnostic product for liver cancer Glyface® Oligosaccharide Chain Assay Kit, was recognized as a national innovative medical device product in April 2024, and it was approved for listing by the National Drug Administration (NMPA).