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Be inspired by leading experts from diverse biotech fields! Check out our list of speakers below:

Keynote Speakers

*Surname in Alphabetical Order

Piu Chan

Professor, Xuanwu Hospital of Capital Medical University

Fu Gao

Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Vice President, Chinese Medical Association, Dean, Cunji Medical College, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

George Hara

Chairman and CEO, DEFTA Partners, Board Chairman, Alliance Forum Foundation

Chun Ying Leung

3rd Chief Executive of Hong Kong, Vice-Chairman National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference

Brian Wong

Assistant Professor in Philosophy, University of Hong Kong; Fellow, Oxford Global Society and Centre on Contemporary China and the World, University of Hong Kong

Guest Speakers

*Surname in Alphabetical Order

Subrata Chakrabarti

Distinguished University Professor, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Western University Pathologist, LHSC/SJHC

Martin Cheung

Associate Professor Associate Director (Research and Innovation) School of Biomedical Sciencos, The University of Hong Kong

James Chiu

Hon Clinical Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong

Xin Du

CEO, Evergreen Therapeutics, Inc

Brian Ferguson

Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, University of Cambridge

Kunlin Jin

Professor, The University Of North Texas Health Science Center of FORT WORTH

Hon-Ming Lam

Professor, School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Director, State Key Laboratory of Agricultural Biotechnology

Gilberto Leung

President, the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine; Associate Dean (Teaching and Learning), Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, the University of Hong Kong; Clinical Professor, the University of Hong Kong; and Co-Director, the Centre for Medical Ethics and Law, the University of Hong Kong.

Bo Liang

Co-Founder, Chairman and CEO of IVIEW Therapeutics Inc.

Roben Liang

Healthy China Research Center (under National Health Committee)

Hang Lu

Founder and CEO of NextTranslate Biopharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Vladamir Parpura

Distinguished Professor & Director, Zhejiang Chinese Medical University

Jeffrey Pong

Consultant in Ophthalmology, Hong Kong Adventist Hospital

Conrad Tsang

Director & President Chairman, HKVCA Hong Kong Venture Capital and Private Equity Association Limited

Xiaojun Wang

Vice Director, Professor/Harbin Veterinary Research Institute, the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Xin Wang

Associate Professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Frank Yang

Founding Partner & CEO, Blue Ocean Capital Group